Spring is here again

Sunset in snowfall.
I guess the best thing about living in such a plain area as Tyrnava, is that you´re endowed with amazing views. There´s still very much snow both in my home yard and on the fields and in the past few days it has been snowing once in a while. However, days are getting brighter and even the sunsets seem to last longer now in springtime.
Where was my ski trail again...?
Another great thing about this time of the year is the crust of snow that appears when the temperature changes repeatedly between cold at nights and warm in the daytime. Sometimes the crust of snow is so tough that you can even walk on it! I usually use cross-country skies, though. It´s my favourite way to exercise during winter.
In spite on constantly changing weather, some migratory birds have delighted us during past few weeks, Scolopax rusticola  was one of them.
This fellow loved to dig food from below the currant leaves.

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